FrameWorks Blog

Sorry Not Sorry: A Landing Page Isn't Enough to Start Your Business

Written by Latasia Cox | Jul 30, 2024 11:07:00 AM

Despite what many eager entrepreneurs believe, a landing page and logo are simply not enough to jumpstart sustainable growth.

If you want to build a business that lasts, you'll need an entire ecosystem built around what you do — a brand framework that works on its own to elevate your growth while you're putting in the work to manage your business.

It may seem like a lot, but branding that resonates isn't just something that looks good on the surface.

It's your ticket to a presence that will do the growing for you and with you. 

Here's why and how.



Download this workbook to turn your landing page and logo into a solid brand framework.

The Landing Page Illusion

Now, don’t get us wrong; a landing page can be a great tool.

It’s simple, focused, and can drive your visitors to take one specific action — like showing off your newest product or snagging that irresistible freebie.

But here’s the kicker: it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

PwC found that 73% of all people point to customer experience as an important factor in their purchasing decisions, right behind price and product quality. A diversified online presence allows for more engagement points, fostering a stronger connection than a landing page alone.

Think about it.


If you have a landing page that’s not backed up by a strong brand, it’s like having a welcome mat without the inviting house that goes with it. And if you don’t have a strong brand, then your landing page is just another piece of content floating around in cyberspace.

Dusty Logos & Color Psychology

Let's talk about color psychology and branding for a second.

Your brand colors and aesthetic can not be "whatever looks and feels nice" to you. They need to speak directly to your people, stirring up the right emotions and setting the mood.

Can a landing page do that on its own?


It's a bit like expecting a single spice to carry the entire dish — it might add some flavor, but we all know that it won't make the meal.

Why Your Website is Your Castle

A website, on the other hand, is like your digital kingdom.

It's where you can weave your story into every page, showcase your wizardry with blogs or client stories, and let visitors roam around, getting to know the nooks and crannies of how you can benefit their lives. It's an ecosystem that grows with you, adapting and evolving as your business does.

And let's not forget about the powerhouse that is your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. A CRM system may sound or feel foreign but it's closer to you than you may think.

🤔 When was the last time you filled out a form to get in touch with a business and you got an automatic email reply a few seconds after submission?

🤔 Or what about those promo emails from you favorite brands?

🤔 Got any text messages from a nonprofit you support?

All of those efforts are made possible by CRM systems. And the good news is that you don't need to be a super big brand to have your own that can do those exact same things without breaking your budget.

Choosing a website host that also comes with a CRM system is like throwing open the doors to a personal butler for every visitor that walks in. It's like having a personal assistant that can help you manage your business, keep track of your customers and even send out emails on your behalf. And the best part is that it doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg.

  • Easily track your customers and know what they click on vs what they don't.

  • Peep uncomplicated data that shows you what to do to tailor your marketing to better suit your people's tastes.

  • Automate emails that respond to customers and clients, nurturing them to keep coming back to you for more.

Try doing all of that with a landing page and a logo — we'll wait.




The point?

You need a space that's inherently "you."

Drenched in brand messaging that tugs at heartstrings, colors that prompt joy and creativity or professionalism and trust — your online presence has got to work its psychological magic with all that and a layout that isn't just functional but makes your people feel something.

Before you get lost in the allure of quick and easy, remember that building a resilient, thriving business is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s time to put that landing page in its proper place — not as the be-all and end-all, but as one piece of a much larger, much more beautiful puzzle. 


Let's create a space that embodies your brand, speaks to your audience's soul, and provides fertile ground for relationships, not just transactions.


Imagine being armed with a website and a supportive CRM; your brand will start out not as another face in the crowd, but a living, breathing entity poised for growth.